A Place for Builders
Erie, PA is in a class of increasingly competitive, mid-size cities that are leveraging their balance of urban infrastructure, educational institutions, and quality of life to foster new businesses and entirely new industries. If you have a business idea you will find support in the heart of downtown. From resources and business planning to office space and programs, Erie has the tools to make your business dream a reality. With access to coworking spaces, incubators, support programs, and rife networking opportunities, you have the promise of opportunity at your fingertips.
Local entrepreneurial culture believes in “no wrong door;" no matter where you enter the entrepreneurial ecosystem, they make sure you get connected to the resources and assistance you need for your business to thrive and, consequently, add to the thriving economic ecosystem of the city.
Resources & Community
- Achievers Entrepreneurial Program
- Ben Franklin Technology Partners
- Business Resource eDatabase from Erie County Library
- Erie Regional Chamber
- Erie Technology Incubator
- Erie’s Black Wall Street
- NWPA Beehive
- Radius CoWork
- Small Business Development Center
- Young Erie Professionals (YEP)
- Big Idea Contest by Ben Franklin Technology Partners
- ErieMade Business Academy by Bridgeway Capital
- FIRE Accelerator by Erie Regional Chamber
- Flagship Fund Micro-Grant by the City of Erie
- ICE Angel Education by Erie Regional Chamber
- New Wall Street Ventures (NWSV) by Erie's Black Wall Street
- Thrive in Erie by Paramount Pursuits
Nonprofit Start-Ups
- Erie Gives
- Grants from the Erie Community Foundation
- Resource Library of the Nonprofit Partnership
- Education by the Nonprofit Partnership
- Training by the Nonprofit Partnership