Ribbon Cuttings

Welcome to Downtown! 

One of the many ways the Erie Downtown Partnership supports businesses is by providing f ribbon cutting event services for all businesses celebrating the opening of a new location or a major renovation in the Downtown Improvement District, which runs from the Bayfront to 14th Street North to South and Sassafras to Holland from West to East. Our grand opening services are at no cost to downtown businesses. 



We'll help spread the word of your grand opening by:

  • sending out a press release to local news media
  • sharing on our social media
  • including it in our weekly e-newsletter. 

On the day of your event, we will provide large scissors and a ribbon to cut. Some businesses may have partners or support from organizations that will supply their own branded ribbon, which is fine. If you have a preference of ribbon color or style, you may bring your own. You can also expect professional photographing of the event, as well as your venue that we will share so the public gets a sneak-peak of what'll bring them to your business. We can also live-stream the event on our social media, if you are comfortable. 


Continued Support

After your grand opening, we will post about it on our social media and include it in our next e-newsletter. If you have events you would like for us to share, please tag us in your posts on social media and feel free to submit your event to our online calendar

When a business starts accepting the Down4Erie card, we post an announcement on our social media as well. If you are interested in joining the downtown digital gift card program, you can find more information about the program on our Gift Card page

Services provided to members in our district include those of the Downtown Safety + Hospitality Ambassadors. The Ambassadors can help ensure your storefront is clean and safe for downtown patrons.


If you are interested in partnering for your grand opening, please reach out to our Marketing and Member Services Coordinator, Mulnah Dovat, at mulnah.dovat@eriedowntown.com

Bakery on 5th Ribbon Cutting 10 of 13
Kays Nails Ribbon Cutting 4